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Northwest Express Skydiving Team

I started Jumping in the Military in 1982. Mostly out of jets and helicopters.

After moving to Oregon a friend handed me a flyer about skydiving lessons. I said "why not, if it was fun in the Military, think how much fun you could have with your friends". I never looked back. I got my tandem instructor rating, and took students on their first Skydive, for eight years. I compete in 4 way and eight way RW.

I have also compete on the NW Sky league championship team many times, and won medals at meets in California and AZ. Winning both gold and silver medals at USPA Nationals. Some of the best times and best friends were from this sport. I sincerely thank every one for these experiences.

Harry Waller
Insurance Agent, Owner Waller Insurance
First Jump
First Competition
No. of Jumps
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